
Is this the real reason Trump holds grudge against Mexico?

En Miami Herald / 24 abril, 2016

(Photo: Michael Dwyer – AP)

The first point that Republican hopeful Donald Trump made in his victory speech after winning the April 19 primary in New York was that, as president, he would no longer allow U.S. jobs to be “sucked out” by Mexico. Obviously, Mexico-bashing still works for him.

The big question is whether his tirades against Mexico are part of a well-calculated populist campaign to appeal to the xenophobic feelings of angry voters, or whether he has a personal grudge against Mexico because of a bad business experience with a failed luxury condo project near Tijuana in 2009. It’s probably both, but definitely the latter is part of it.

Trump has put Mexico at the center stage of his presidential campaign since day one. On June 16, 2015, he launched his presidential campaign and made world headlines with his claim that most Mexicans are “rapists” and that they “bring drugs and crime.” Ever since, Trump has not stopped blaming Mexico for almost everything that is wrong in United States.

“Our jobs are being sucked out of our states, they are being taken out of our country, ” he said in his New York victory speech. He vowed to “negotiate unbelievable trade deals, so we bring our jobs back, and we don’t let our companies go to Mexico and all of these countries anymore.”

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Andres Oppenheimer
Es el editor para América Latina y Columnista de “The Miami Herald,” conductor del programa “Oppenheimer Presenta” por CNN en Español, y autor de siete Best-Sellers. Su columna “El Informe Oppenheimer” es publicada regularmente en más de 60 periódicos de todo el mundo, incluidos “The Miami Herald” de EEUU, La Nación de Argentina, El Mercurio de Chile, El Comercio de Perú, y Reforma de México.

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